6 Ways to Bust out of your Bad Mood

I truly believe all humans go through seasons, I am willing to bet that I am one of the happiest people you know. That does not mean I am always happy, I go through hard times and heart break just like everyone else. However, I have learned that for one, that it's okay to struggle. It is a human emotion and yet I have found myself beating myself up for being human, anyone else resonate with that?

Here are a few of the ways to bust out of that bad mood and get back to the happy! Tell me yours too so I can add to my list!

Turn up the volume
Music can change your mood in an instant. If I am happy, sad, angry or feeling sassy I have a playlist for that. If you have a library of music or stream your music, you can make this work for you! Find whatever lights you up and play it loud until you feel better! Want to really expedite the results? Get up and dance while you listen, bam new mood on demand!

Get off social media
Oh friends, this one is SO important. More people get super triggered by social media than they would like to admit. Other people's highlight real is sometimes hard to take, especially if you are having a rough day. Do yourself a favor, if today is your not your day, do NOT go compare your life to everyone else carefully edited best life! Close Instagram and open Spotify (see above). Bonus points if you unfollow some accounts that really trigger you to feel bad about the amazing badass you are!

Get silent & meditate
Let's get real with this one, shall we? I still struggle with this one, it is extremely difficult for me to sit, and be silent and still. Sometimes when I do this, my brain starts rolling through the Rolodex of my internal thoughts. (Side note, do people even know what a Rolodex is anymore?) That inner voice gets super chatty when I finally stop. It's annoying and often times I get frustrated and quit. If you can push through all that, you will get to such a peaceful place. If the thought of silence gives you heart palpitations, try finding a scenario that brings on the calm. I love the app Headspace because it offers guided meditations on every subject you can imagine. I also love sitting on my back porch and listening to reggae, I know it's odd, but hey it works for me, don't judge. You can still be still, even if you can't deal with the silence yet.

Phone a friend
Calling one of your people, can change everything. Having someone who truly cares about you hear you out, can be extremely cathartic. Here is the catch, don't just make it a bitch session. Venting is important, but it can go on and on and on. If you want to vent, put a time limit on it, tell that sweet friend that you need 20 minutes to vent and then move on to a happier subject! If they are truly on your team, they will be able to handle it, and if you have a real, true friend, they may even give you feedback that doesn't line up with your line of thinking. If you have a friend like this, hang on to them for dear life, they are truly hard to come by! Super bonus points if they can make you laugh your face off by the end of the convo. To the babes who fill this spot in my life, I freaking adore you!

Passion projects for the win
Find your creative outlet! Maybe your job allows you to be super creative, or maybe, you're like me, and you deal more with reports, numbers and analytical problem solving for a living. Either way, if your current job is not your passion project, you need to figure yours out ASAP! Take some time and find out what lights you up! What can you do for hours and not even notice that you haven't moved or eaten anything. THAT is your thing! For me, that is writing, photography and books. For you, maybe it's baking or gardening or art. Find that thing and watch how it can change your whole life!

Hug your dog
This is listed last, but it's my go to when times get rough! NOTHING in my life fills me with more joy than my sweet Abby Roo! The worst day can be made 100% better by my little ray of sunshine. If you don't have a pet, I would highly recommend one. If you are in my area, you can come squeeze her too! I swear she can make you smile!

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